One of my favorite assignments, whether professionally or by myself has been the environmental portrait. Photographing people in their own environment, or in a place where their true self can emerge. It is the heart and soul of my most meaningful work.
I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to travel all over the world and see things that are unimaginably beautiful and terrible. I am indebted to all of my subjects for allowing my lens to intrude in their lives. They have shared their pain and anguish, love and hate, joy and laughter; and for that, I am deeply grateful.
Our little blue spec in a vast universe is full of more beauty that any of us can imagine. The more I see, the more I am humbled by my inability to capture a fraction of what is available to us. These photos are a sampling of the gifts of our world that I have enjoyed.
I’ve always loved sports photography, where my published photography career began. The challenge of the movement and the light, the emotion of the moment, gone is a fraction of a second, and the connection to the game we all feel. As my life’s orientation shifted to parenthood, the opportunities for action sports photos unexpectedly increased.